Donnerstag, 21. August 2008

Total solar eclipse 1st august 2008

friday, 1st august 2008 - the day of the eclipse

We left the campsite at about 7:30 and walked up through a small forest to the beginning of the gorge.

In the gorge. The section inside the gorge covered an altitude difference of 200 m - from 2400m till 2600m.

(Photo: Matthias Bauer)
We had to cross the small river two times. Looks easier than it was. We were wet up to the knees...

(Photo: Matthias Bauer)

Small break after the gorge.

We decided to stay at a nice plateau at about 2850m. The 3300m high Leningradskij pass would have been too much for that day.

As we arrived at the plateau already at 12:10, we had still enough time in the afternoon. We relaxed a little bit and explored the area.

The small beautiful lake close to our campsite no. 4.

A glacier.

At about 16:55 the fascinating spectacle began - we noticed the 1st contact of the solar eclipse: A small piece of the sun was missing...
We then walked about 10 minutes from our campsite to a place with an excellent view over the Taldura valley.

Taldura valley

We where the only people here, during the whole day we met nobody else..

The moon "ate" more and more of the sun. From the moment, when about 75% of the sun were covered, it got noticeable darker...

Video of the total solar eclipse:
However, only the last 2 minutes are really interesting. If you notice some strange Uh-Uh-sounds, they were some kind of running gag on our trip... insider will understand ;-)

~ 17:55 - only a small part of the sun is visible.

Photos of the total solar eclipse - it was fascinating!!!

(Photo: Florian Sicherl)

(Photo: Matthias Bauer)

(Photo: Florian Sicherl)

(Photo: Matthias Bauer)

(Photo: Matthias Bauer)

(Photo: Florian Sicherl)

(Photo: Florian Sicherl)
The light is coming again after 2 minutes...

(Photo: Florian Sicherl)
Immideately after the 3rd contact some clouds came and so this photo of the sun-sickle was possible.

After celebrating this fascinating event with some vodka, we went back to the tents to prepare dinner.

In the evening more and more clouds came and during the following night we had a thunderstorm, at 2 a.m. we were woken up by lightnings and thunders...

2 Kommentare:

Sheila hat gesagt…

Hallo Helmut, nun muss ich endlich auch mal einen Kommentar abgeben. Du hast mir beim Planen meiner Sommerreise 2008 sehr geholfen, Infos zum Citystar-Ticket, Deine Bereitschaft - alles nochmal vielen Dank. Wir waren bei der Sofi am 1.8. allerdings in Novosibirs, sind zu alt fürs Trekking (und leider viel zu untrainiert). Deine Fotos sind super, Glückwunsch Dir und allen, die dabei waren. So etwas erlebt man nicht alle Tage, vielleicht nie mehr. Für 2010 planen wir Deutschland - Japan, und höchstwahrscheinlich komme ich betr. Tickets wieder auf Dich zu, einige Strecken davon sollten schon mit der Transib zurückgelegt werden. Ich wünsche Dir alles Gute für alle Deine weiteren Aktionen und drücke die Daumen, dass alles so klappt, wie Du es wünschst. Liebe Grüße Siletta

xxx hat gesagt…

Hallo Helmut, fast hätte wir uns getroffen, denn wir waren auch am 1.8.2008 in der Nähe von Kosch Agash im Zelt und haben die Sonnenfinsternis beobachtet. Mit dem Kiecker projezierten wir die Sonne auf mein Tagebuch und photographierten dann dieses. Allerdings kamen wir aus Tuva über die verboten Grenzregion zur Mongolei( Mugur Aksy).